
Whippet Foster Volunteers Needed

When a Whippet owner contacts Whippet Rescue and Placement, Inc., WRAP, with an urgent request for help because they can no longer keep their dog, we do everything possible to contact the breeder of the Whippet and put the breeder in touch with the owner. If the breeder cannot be found or is not able to take the whippet back, WRAP volunteers jump into action.

WRAP needs a few Whippet-savvy AWC members who are willing to step up and agree to foster Whippets who are turned over to WRAP. Rescue procedures are coordinated by Regional Advisors for different regions of the U.S. However, since this is a volunteer organization, there are areas within the U.S. that are not well covered, i.e. the Pacific-Northwest and Texas, and services become limited as a result.

What’s involved in becoming a WRAP volunteer? A sincere desire to help the breed we love, some time to care for a rescue for two weeks or more, and a willingness to complete our volunteer agreement. Approved expenses are reimbursed to you when receipts are submitted.

For more information or to request a volunteer application please contact Jennifer Beach-Buda,

Thank you,

          Barbara Henderson, DVM, President
          Jennifer Beach-Buda, Vice President
          Ken Wheeler, Secretary
          Jean Schroeder, Treasurer
          Yvonne Sovereign, Board Member