Adoption Application Thank you for submitting an adoption application. Please provide as much information as possible. You may add comments in a field at the bottom of the form. Adoption Application First Name * Last Name * Street Address * City * State * AKALARAZCACOCTDCDEFLGAHIIAIDILINKSKYLAMAMDMEMIMNMOMSMTNCNDNENHNJNMNVNYOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVAVTWAWIWVWY Zip * Email Address * Primary Phone Number * Alternate Phone number Marital/Civil Status Married/Domestic Partner Single Divorced Widowed Name of Spouse or Partner Ages of Adults in Household Number of Adults in Household Number of Children in Household Ages of Children in Household Name and address of closest relative not living with you Reference 1 Name Reference 1 Phone Number Reference 2 Name Reference 2 Phone Number Reference 3 Name Reference 3 Phone Number Veterinarian's Name Veterinarian's Phone Number Are all members of household in agreement on adopting a Whippet? Yes No If No, please give details Type of home House Apartment Townhouse Duplex OtherOther Do you own or rent? Own Rent If you rent please provide your landlord's name, address, and phone number Does your rental agreement allow pets? Yes No Do you have a fenced yard? Yes No What is the height of the fence? 4 ft 5 ft 6 ft 8 ft If you have other pets please list them here: Pet 1 Name Breed or Species Spayed or Neutered? Yes No Pet's Age Pet 2 Name Breed or Species Spayed or Neutered? Yes No Pet's Age Pet 3 Name Breed or Species Spayed or Neutered? Yes No Pet's Age Pet 4 Name Breed or Species Spayed or Neutered? Yes No Pet's Age If you currently have a dog, have you ever introduced it to another dog? Yes No If yes, how did it react to the other animal? Have you ever owned Whippet Other sighthound If you've owned another sighthound breed, which one(s)? Where will your Whippet be most of the time? Crate Doggie Daycare Loose in the house, no outside access Loose in the yard/kennel Loose in the house with dog door Other, please give details:Other, please give details: How many hours per day will your Whippet be alone without a human present? How will you manage your Whippet when you're away from home? Where will your Whippet sleep? How do you plan to exercise your Whippet? Do you object to a personal interview and visit to your home by a WRAP volunteer? No Yes Please select a convenient time to schedule a visit 891011121234567 : 0030 AMPM Activities your Whippet should enjoy Housepet Racer Obedience/Rally Watch dog Show dog Lure courser Field courser Your Whippet must be able to get along with (check all that apply) Other dogs Cats Birds Pet Rodents Livestock Men Women Small children OtherOther I would like to adopt a Whippet in the age range Puppy (Puppies are rarely available) Adult, age 2-8 years Senior, age 8+ years I prefer a Whippet that is Male Female A certain color:A certain color: Please add additional information you'd like to share If you are interested in a specific available Whippet please give name of dog and state where fostered I certify that all of the information above is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, correct and complete. * Yes Captcha If you are human, leave this field blank.