Adopted: Mohan Sallis Bozeman, age 8, male, Auburndale Florida


Name of Whippet, Location: Adopted: Mohan Sallis Bozeman, age 8, male, Auburndale Florida
Location Category: Florida
Name of foster volunteer: Monica Peeke
Email:     Phone: 863-398-0410
Address: Auburndale, Florida

Mohan Sallis Bozeman has been adopted!

An adoption application is REQUIRED to be submitted before you contact a WRAP foster volunteer about this rescue or others currently available for adoption. Please submit an application. WRAP volunteers may respond to applicants and will make final decisions on adoptions. We will keep your application on file for six months.

WRAP does not ship dogs and prefers to place Whippets in homes within a reasonable driving distance from the foster home. If the WRAP volunteer fostering a dog does not live in your state you may contact them at the email address shown above to inquire after you have submitted an adoption application.